Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Mrs Dalloway And To The Lighhouse By Virginia Woolf Essays

Mrs Dalloway And To The Lighhouse By Virginia Woolf In her compositions, Virginia Woolf needed to catch the realness of life, as one would live it. Thusly, Woolf's shared the critical components of her life in her idyllic writing books, Mrs. Dalloway and To the Lighthouse, as a family member self-depiction. In these books Woolf caught the life as she had lived it, playing out this assignment in three distinct layers of profundity. For a general sense, by permitting the characters to live in a comparable society as her own, Woolf delineated her general public in her composition. From a more profound perspective, a large number of Woolf's relatives, connections, and attributes were emblematically shown through the minor artistic characters on an increasingly close to home level. Also, Woolf showed her perspectives, convictions, and individual occasions through the heart of the principle characters. Regularly, individuals accept that Woolf had a perfect family. Naturally introduced to a blue-blooded family, her dad, Sir Leslie Stephen, was a prominent manager, columnist, and a biographer; her significant other, Leonard Woolf, likewise was a blue-blood essayist, who had an enrollment in a scholarly circle, Bloomsbury Group, along with Virginia Woolf. Additionally, Woolf arranged the two Mrs. Dalloway and To the Beacon to be the tales of two privileged families. Virginia Woolf lived from the late Victorian Era until the start of King George VI's rule, through both the peak of Britain's flourishing and political matchless quality and the decrease of such political force which was because of the First World War. However, in these advances of Britain's political status, new philosophies, for example, women's liberation, were creating. From the late Victorian Era to the furthest limit of First World War denoted a period in which the individuals endeavored to achieve the new convictions also, philosophies, for the most part bringing about successful developments. A large portion of these thoughts were a direct opposite of prewar conventions that were driven by Modernist, the examiners of convention, in artistic developments. Women's liberation was one of the mainstream new belief systems, which for the most part started through scholars, specialists, and ladies of the privileged, for they were the ones who were politically mindful of what was going on in Britain and on Continent. Besides, individuals, particularly the center and the high societies, delighted in tremendous flourishing that was gotten by dominion and the Industrial Revolution. Flourishing attracted individuals to private enterprise what's more, interests in outside nations, for individuals cherished cash and were very eager. In her composition, Woolf tended to these Victorian political attributes through the gathering of Richard Dalloway, Hugh Whitbread, and Woman Bruton in Mrs. Dalloway, where Lady Bruton proposes a task for emigrating youngsters of both genders brought into the world of good guardians and setting them up with a reasonable possibility of doing great in Canada. Lady Bruton's solid freedom as a pioneer shows the development towards resistance of ladies being in power. This scene likewise depicts individuals' rapacity, since this undertaking was intended to get a generous measure of benefit. What's more, the Victorian Period was a time of uncertainty, question, and doubt towards God, for the most part due to Darwinism. Grating was made among profound quality and recently creating belief systems furthermore, convictions. Albeit a dominant part of individuals despite everything went to chapel, numerous journalists also, specialists, particularly Modernists, would in general be increasingly freethinker. In like manner Woolf demonstrated the rival sides, adherents and romantics, through the aversion of Mrs. Dalloway against Miss Kilman, as Mrs. Dalloway has noted, Had she [Miss Kilman] even attempted to change over any one herself? Did she not wish everyone simply to act naturally? Let her... on the off chance that she needed to; let her stop; at that point let her...There was something serious in it?but love and religion would devastate that, whatever it was, the security of the spirit. The accursed Kilman would obliterate it. Britain confronted a period of decrease because of the First World War which brought numerous progressions to individuals' lives, despite the fact that the blue-bloods were not as influenced by the war. Some post war impacts were depression, mental and passionate clutters, and breaking down typically endured by center and lower classes. In Mrs. Dalloway, the Dalloway family is arranging a gathering while Septimus Smith, a white collar class veteran, is experiencing mental and passionate disarranges. Mrs. Dalloway is experiencing depression. Be that as it may, in To the Lighthouse, the Ramsay family, likewise blue-bloods, are experiencing the war because of the passing of their veteran child, Anthony Ramsay. Mrs. Dalloway and To the Lighthouse are loaded up with images, outstandingly those that speak to or propose imperative individuals throughout Woolf's life. For instance, from her youth, her dad had extraordinary impact in Woolf's life, for it was a direct result of him that Woolf started to compose. Woolf exemplified her father

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Alison Nieves Will Analyses Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Alison Nieves Will Analyses - Essay Example The paper Alison Nieve’s Will Analyses presents the investigations of Alison Nieve’s Will. The main proviso in Alison Nieve’s Will is a standard arrangement as per Section 20 of the Wills Act 1837 as changed. Area 20 accommodates the disavowal of a current will by the execution of another Will. The second provision of the Will accommodates the arrangement of Simon Landsford and Asif Khan as co-trustees and co-agents of the Neive’s Will and with those arrangements, there are duties and commitments which as clarified in more noteworthy detail below.The blessing to Sarah of 50,000 pounds doesn't force upon Simon Landsford and Asif Khan the job of trustees. The ability to move the whole of 50,000 pounds is established on their separate limits as agents of Nieve’s Will. Obviously Neive doesn't expect that Sarah accept the assets as a flat out blessing. Neive’s sole goal was the production of a reason trust with Sarah going about as trustee. All to gether for a trust to be completely comprised and equipped for authorization it must contain three surenesses. Three surenesses are conviction of goal, items and topics. The trust property is regularly alluded to as the subject, expectation alludes to the words and direct that is equipped for distinguishing the donor’s aim to make a trust and the items allude to the proposed recipients. The trouble with this trust is that Samuel, the object of the trust is certainly not a human recipient.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Is Globalization Enhancing Or Reducing Democratic Government Essay

Is Globalization Enhancing Or Reducing Democratic Government Essay Is Globalization Enhancing Or Reducing Democratic Government â€" Essay Example > Globalization and Democratic GovernmentIntroductionIt has been observed by some political critics that globalisation masquerades an impending and solemn threat to democracy. Impressionistic confirmation of this threat is definitely potent: trans-national corporations (TNCs) appear ever more capable to escape the access of state directive. The activities and policies of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Trade Organization (WTO) are recurrently observed as intrusive with the autonomy and sovereignty of states and advancing a global corporate programme. (Evans, 2002, 62-87)Despite this reality that globalization intimidates democracy is extensively shared, it has confirmed difficult to launch the nature and degree of the threat on definite experiential basis. Much of the substantiation is vague or debatable; several scholars decline the whole debate as sheer globaloney while others believe that globalization is little more than theatrical or theoretical cover for a neo-liberal financial outline. Yet the critics who agree to the ground that something is going on cannot agree how new, how considerable or how everlasting current developments might be. (Dahl, 1991, 154) The globalization debate comprises not so much in discernment conflicting with authenticity as in uncertain reality following frequent and occasionally opposing perceptions. (Przeworski, 1997, 121-26) This elevated amount of experiential vagueness has led some well-known intellectuals of democracy to propose that political scholars can possibly add little of exercise to the discussion on globalization and democracy. Western governments, multinationals, and international NGOs adopted positions and perspectives that claimed greater concern with the nature of political structures within developing and newly industrialized states. The actor-based approach heeds the call of a growing number of analysts for detailed research into the strategies and concerns of different actors in relati on to international political trends. From the mid-1990s, theorists argued that it was necessary to correct the common impressions either that some kind of impersonal dissemination or snow-balling momentum has worked in democracy's favour, or conversely, that some apparently exogenous structural trends of globalization have necessarily worked against the vitality of national level democracy. (Evans, 2002, 62-87) Neither of these forms of analysis, it was widely asserted, accorded sufficient priority to the complex motives and actions of actors whose presence at the international level gave them a key stake in, and influence over, political trends throughout different regions of the world. (Walter, 1998, 292) Conceptual Evaluation of Democracy in Global PerspectiveDemocracy is always named and used in the liberal discursive process. But if we refer to history, democracy of these days is not the same as democracy decades ago. Thus, it is important that democracy is understood as an evolution and not as a static concept. Similarly it is necessary to understand democracy by its principles and not by its practitioners in power. Liberal democracy can be briefly defined as a system of government in which the people rule themselves, either directly or indirectly but in either case subject to constitutional restraints on the power of the majority (Dickerson and Flanagan, 2005, 239). If we analyze democracy by the principles extracted from the definition: equality of political rights, majority rule, political participation, and political freedom, we can ask ourselves if the present formal democracy represents its own principles. Dickerson and Flanagan say that equality of political rights mean that every individual has the right to vote, run for office, and serve on a jury, speak on public issues and carry out other public functions. Furthermore, political rights are a matter of degree because they have been evolving during the last century. But it is not possible t o know how much political equality is enough for democracy, because it seems to change every time and under different circumstances. An important example of how political rights can vary is the United States, because since 1787 until 1960 the franchise was extended to a majority of its citizens. (Dickerson and Flanagan, 2005, 243)

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Cmo llenar el formulario G-325A para greencard

Cuando se solicita la tarjeta de residencia  por  matrimonio para el cà ³nyuge extranjero es necesario que cada uno llene una planilla que se conoce como G-325A.   La finalidad de esta planilla (forma) es que el gobierno pueda verificar el historial  de ambos cà ³nyuges, tanto el que pide la tarjeta de residencia, como el extranjero  para el que se solicita. Por este motivo, cada uno de los esposos debe cumplimentar independientemente su propio formulario. Es decir, cuando se envà ­e la documentacià ³n al USCIS hay que incluir en el paquete dos G-325A. Esto aplica tanto a los matrimonios heterosexuales, es decir, entre un hombre y una mujer, como a los matrimonios  homosexuales, entre dos hombres o dos mujeres. Quà © informacià ³n se solicita en la G-325A Escribir el apellido/s donde pone family name Nombre de pila en first name Segundo nombre, si lo hubiera en  middle name Marcar con una x la opcià ³n correcta de sexo. Si se es  varà ³n marcar  male, si si se es  mujer female La fecha de nacimiento (date of birth), empezando por el mes, dà ­a y aà ±o. Por ejemplo, si se nacià ³ el 24 de marzo de 1970 hay que escribir 03/24/1970 Nacionalidad (citizenship/nationality).  Ã‚  No se pide el paà ­s del lugar en el que se nacià ³, sino la nacionalidad actual. Por ejemplo, si el ciudadano americano que pide a su cà ³nyuge tiene tambià ©n otro pasaporte por doble nacionalidad, debe poner siempre USA, no la otra. Nà ºmero de identificacià ³n (file number). En el caso de la persona que solicita a su cà ³nyuge es ciudadano americano  desde su nacimiento contestar None o N/A. Si es ciudadano porque se naturalizà ³, poner su Alien Registration Number, que puede encontrar en el certificado de naturalizacià ³n. Si el que pide es un residente permanente, poner el nà ºmero de ocho o nueve dà ­gitos que comienza con una A y que aparece en su greencard. Si sà ³lo tiene ocho nà ºmeros aà ±adir a la izquierda un cero hasta tener un total de nueve dà ­gitos. En el formulario del extranjero para el que se piden los papeles en la mayorà ­a de los casos la respuesta es None. Pero si en el pasado tuvo un expediente abierto con alguna autoridad migratoria es muy posible que tenga uno. Mira aquà ­ quà © es el Alien Registration Number y cà ³mo encontrarlo. Otros nombres (other names). Por ejemplo, una mujer al casarse puede cambiar su apellido. En este caso,  en otros nombre tiene que poner el suyo de soltera, o incluso el que utilizà ³ en matrimonios anteriores. Esta pregunta se refiere a nombres legales, no a apodos. Ciudad y paà ­s de nacimiento (city and country of birth) Nà ºmero del Seguro Social (U.S. Social Security). El que pide la greencard deberà ¡ poner el suyo, el cà ³nyuge extranjero, salvo casos muy concretos, no tendrà ¡ y la respuesta es  None en esa casilla. Si lo tuviera, ponerlo. En family name, donde pone father escribir el apellido del padre y donde pone mother el de la madre. Justo debajo aparece entre parà ©ntesis maiden name. Es para los casos en los que la madre adoptà ³ despuà ©s de casarse el apellido del marido, poner ahà ­ el apellido de soltera. Si, por el contrario, nunca tomà ³ el apellido del marido no serà ¡ necesario que escriba nada.   En la casilla siguiente donde pone First name escribir el nombre el padre y de la madre A continuacià ³n escribir la fecha de nacimiento del padre (date of birth) y justo debajo en la misma casilla el de la madre En el cuadrado  siguiente escribir la ciudad y el paà ­s en el que nacieron (city and country of birth) Y, finalmente, en la casilla city and country of residence  escribir el nombre de la ciudad y del paà ­s en el que viven. Si uno  de ellos ha fallecido, escribir deceased. En current husband or wife escribir el nombre del esposo o de la esposa, comenzando con el apellido en la casilla que pone family name. En el caso de que la esposa hay cambiado el nombre al casarse aquà ­ en concreto es necesario escribir su apellido de soltera. En la casilla siguiente donde pone first name  anotar  el nombre de pila del esposo o esposa con la que la persona que llena el formulario està ¡ casado/a A continuacià ³n su fecha de nacimiento del otro cà ³nyuge  (date of birth). Es decir, la esposa escribirà ¡ en su planilla el dà ­a de nacimiento  de su  esposo y el marido en su planilla el de su mujer. La siguiente informacià ³n consiste en escribir la ciudad y el paà ­s en el que nacià ³ el  esposo/a del que llena la planilla (city and country of birth) En date of marriage escribir la fecha en la que se casaron, empezando por el mes, seguido del dà ­a y del aà ±o. Finalmente, en place of marriage poner el lugar de la ceremonia, escribiendo el nombre de la ciudad y el paà ­s. Si se celebrà ³ en otro paà ­s, estos son los requisitos para que el matrimonio celebrado en el extranjero sea và ¡lido. En la siguiente là ­nea hay que escribir esa misma informacià ³n, pero relativa a esposos/as anteriores. Si este es el primer matrimonio simplemente poner N/A en las casillas en las que piden el apellido  del anterior esposo/a (former husband or wife. Family name), el nombre (first name), la fecha de nacimiento (date of birth), el lugar y fecha del matrimonio (date and place of marriage) y fecha y lugar de fin del matrimonio por divorcio, anulacià ³n o viudedad  (date and place of termination of marriage). Si hubo anteriores bodas, llenar esos datos en la casilla que corresponda. A continuacià ³n, en applicant ´s residence last five years, hay que poner los lugares en los que se ha vivido por los à ºltimos cinco aà ±os, en orden cronolà ³gico. Es muy importante comenzar con el actual y en las là ­neas siguientes escribir los anteriores. En street and number poner calle y nà ºmero, en city, el nombre de la ciudad, en province or state la provincia o estado, en country el paà ­s y luego en from hay dos columnas, una en mes y otra en aà ±o. Ahà ­ se pone la fecha de inicio, poniendo en nà ºmeros el mes (month) y el aà ±o (year). A continuacià ³n done pone To, y hay que escribir  hasta cuando se vivià ³ en esa direccià ³n. En la siguiente là ­nea donde pone applicant ´s last adress outside of the United States of more than 1 year, si se trata del cà ³nyuge extranjero que vive en el extranjero y ya ha colocado la informacià ³n en la casilla anterior, entonces escribir N/A. La misma respuesta para el cà ³nyuge que vive en Estados Unidos y no ha vivido en el extranjero en los à ºltimos cinco aà ±os por mà ¡s de uno. Si ha vivido, deberà ¡ enumerar dà ³nde y las fechas. En la siguiente là ­nea, donde pone applicant ´s employment last five years, escribir por orden cronolà ³gico los empleos. Se pide, en primer lugar, el nombre del empleador y su direccià ³n, a continuacià ³n el tipo de trabajo desempeà ±ado (occupation) y finalmente las fechas de empleo. Comenzar siempre por el trabajo actual. En el caso de haber sido estudiante, escribir student y si se ha estado desempleado unemployed. Si nunca se ha trabajado, escribir N/A. En la siguiente là ­nea pregunta por el à ºltimo empleo en el extranjero (last employment abroad). Si se trata de la planilla que està ¡ rellenando el cà ³nyuge extranjero que vive en otro paà ­s, responder N/A, porque la respuesta ya està ¡ en la là ­nea anterior. Si està ¡ contestando el cà ³nyuge que vive en USA, la respuesta tambià ©n serà ¡ N/A, a menos que en los à ºltimos cinco aà ±os haya trabajado en otro paà ­s. Si ese es el caso, poner el nombre del empleador y su direccià ³n, el cargo desempeà ±ado y las fechas del trabajo. En la siguiente là ­nea es muy importante prestar atencià ³n. Si se trata de la planilla que està ¡ llenando el cà ³nyuge extranjero, entonces deberà ¡ marcar con una x la casilla que pone status as permanent resident. Por el contrario, en la planilla que llena el cà ³nyuge que es ciudadano, entonces debe marcar other y especificar por escrito in support of spouse ´s I-130. A continuacià ³n, en la misma là ­nea, firmar y poner fecha   Por à ºltimo, en el à ºltimo recuadro justo antes de acabar la hoja escribir el apellido del que rellena la planilla  en family name. En given name, el nombre de pila. En  middle name el segundo nombre, si lo hubiera. Y en Alien Registration Number, Poner lo mismo que se escribià ³ en la parte superior de la planilla donde se preguntà ³ por el file number. A tener en cuenta al llenar la planilla La planilla G-325A, como todas las del USCIS, es gratuita y se puede bajar directamente de internet. No pagues por este tipo de formularios. Si no sabes una fecha exacta, no la inventes. Simplemente en vez de especificar dà ­a, mes y aà ±o escribe simplemente el aà ±o. Si tampoco està ¡s seguro de eso, puedes escribir que no lo sabes poniendo la palabra unknown. Si bien no es recomendable abusar. No saber una o dos fechas puede ser admisible, pero mà ¡s puede dar lugar a que el USCIS simplemente no acepte como buena la forma y pida que se vuelva a llenar.   Este tipo de peticiones de familia (para cà ³nyuge) es el mà ¡s frecuente. Pero tambià ©n se puede pedir para los hijos. En el caso de ciudadanos, tambià ©n pueden solicitar a padres y hermanos. Si tienes dudas sobre quà © tinta emplear, quà © hacer cuando el espacio provisto en la planilla no es suficiente, etc, lee este artà ­culo sobre cà ³mo llenar las planillas de inmigracià ³n. Las cosas pueden ir mal La peticià ³n de la green card puede ser negada por muchas causas. Antes de comenzar el proceso asesorarse con un abogado particularmente en casos de persona que se quiere pedir que està ¡ presente en Estados Unidos en situacià ³n de ilegalidad, ya que no siempre se pueden arreglar los papeles. Tambià ©n asesorarse si està ¡ fuera del paà ­s pero tiene pendiente una penalidad por deportacià ³n y/o por estancia ilegal en los Estados Unidos y le aplica el castigo de los 3 o de los 10 aà ±os. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Importance Of Modernism In Our Town By Thornton Wilder

â€Å"Do any human beings ever realize life when they live it?- every, every minute?† (Wilder 108). This is the question Emily asks at the end of the play, Our Town, when she realizes the importance of life and enjoying our present. Our Town is a play by a famous American playwright, Thornton Wilder. In his play Our Town, Thornton Wilder reveals the traditional American life in the early 1900s and the appreciation of life and ordinary objects by depicting the life of people living in a small town in Massachusetts called Grover’s Corners. Thornton wilder’s play Our Town is an example of Modernism because it breaks away from traditional ways of theater, uses simple and straightforward language and has an unusual plot. Thornton Wilder started†¦show more content†¦Our Town was â€Å"a radically innovative way of presenting a drama† as it was different from other plays of that time and was well received by the audience (â€Å"Our Town†). Innovation is one of the major elements of modernism and Wilder effectively used it throughout the play. Our Town was a break from traditional theater and is still performed in many high schools. When many other theater productions were producing plays with luxurious sets and costumes, Wilder experiments with the set and uses â€Å" no curtain, no scenery† and a few props (Wilder 3). This was a huge risk at that time, but was highly appreciated. According to a critic, â€Å"by stripping the play of everything that is not essential, Mr. Wilder has given it profound, strange, unworldly significance† (Brantley). Getting rid of the scenery places more focus on the characters making them a vital part of the play. Additionally, many act ions throughout the play are pantomimed which allows the viewers to make use of their imagination. Thornton Wilder again brings innovation on stage by introducing an omniscient stage manager as one of the characters in the play. Usually, the stage manager is the person who blends into the background and is never seen on the stage, but that is not the case in Our Town. This play begins with its stage manager already on stage who introduces the setting and the characters. This allows major people

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Role of the Characters in The Glass Menagerie Essay

Role of the Characters in The Glass Menagerie All of the characters in The Glass Menagerie have specific symbols in the play representing themselves. Some of the symbols for Tom are the Merchant Marine and the magician’s nailed coffin, while Amanda’s are the yellow dress and her membership to the Daughters of the American Revolution and some of Laura’s are the unicorn and blue roses. Tennessee Williams play has a simple face but the meanings behind the countless and increasingly complex symbols make the play enjoyable the tenth time read. Through the narrator, Tom, we are giving a glimpse into Tennessee Williams’ life as his autobiographical character survives the depression era in St. Louis. I shall explain some of the more†¦show more content†¦She makes her self-the standard with such remarks as seventeen! --gentlemen callers, and since Laura cannot fulfill those expectations, she is â€Å"crippled†. Even her appearance is subject to Amanda’s standard when Jim arrives. When Amanda compliments her daughter, she uses the opportunity to give herself a bigger compliment mirroring Jim’s actions. Next is the our narrator, Tom. Their apartment is Tom’s nailed coffin. He yearns to be free of this love, the mirror, and for adventure such as the Merchant Marines. Tom has a need for companionship like every other human being, but his need for loneliness is greater. Tom and his sibling share this. His mother says Go to the movies, go! Dont think about us, a mother deserted, an unmarried sister whos crippled and has no job! Dont let anything interfere with your selfish pleasure!. This is his mother using the mirror against him. Tom is a grown man who pays the rent of their dwelling. Although Tom should hold some power in the household he is constantly being held in check by being made to feel guilty. Eric P. Levy notes that Tom’s smashing of the glass after his mother’s declaration is symbolic of Tom’s mirror and his urge to smash it. Not only is this symbolic of his mirror, but it is another link to his sister when her glass menagerie breaks. Tom and Laura are nailed into dysfunctional love with their mother. Tom’s smashing of his mirror and them leaving foreshadows Laura’s possible futureShow MoreRelatedThe Glass Menagerie By Tennessee Williams985 Words   |  4 Pages ¨ This quote by the author of The Glass Menagerie, Tennessee Williams, describes both The Glass Menagerie, a memory play, and the life of Tennessee Williams himself, for whom memories played a large role in his life. Within the play, many parallels can be drawn between the life of Williams and the life of Tom, the main character, such as a disdain for factory work. In addition, several characters in The Glass Menagerie have a difficult time fitting into the roles that their family and their societyRead MoreEssay on Glass Menagerie722 Words   |  3 Pagesnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The Glass Menagerie, by Tennessee Williams c ontained well-characterized characters. The quot;Dead Poetamp;#8217;s Societyquot; also contained a great set of characters that were similar to those in The Glass Menagerie. It is fair to say that the characters of The Glass Menagerie and the characters of quot;Dead Poetamp;#8217;s Societyquot; are more similar than different. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Both stories had no main characters; therefore it was easy to distinguishRead MoreLiterary Analysis of The Glass Menagerie by Tenessee Williams1462 Words   |  6 PagesThe Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams had ordinary people in an ordinary life that closely resembled the influences of Williams’ personal life while having reoccurring themes and motifs throughout the story. The play has been done by many with some variations in the scripts and setting while still clinging to the basic ideas of the original play. Amanda Wingfield was a complex character that encompassed many facets of her personality. She longed to have the life she had as a girl and youngRead MoreConflict Between Reality and Illusion as a Major Theme of ‘the Glass Menagerie’1718 Words   |  7 PagesConflict between reality and illusion as a major theme of ‘The Glass Menagerie’ Introduction The Glass Menagerie is a dramatic play about human nature and the conflict between illusion and reality. An illusion is pretense and not reality. In The Glass Menagerie, Tennessee Williams has made use of both reality and illusion together using conflict between them. Illusion is a misinterpretation of the facts. It is an opinion based on what we think is true rather than on what is actually true. In thisRead MoreAnalysis Of The Play The Glass Menagerie 1281 Words   |  6 PagesDevin Simpson Professor Carusp The Glas Menagerie 4/29/15 Within the play The Glass Menagerie, Amanda, Laura, and Tom Wingfield all of have their own dreams that are continuously destroyed by the harshness of reality. Amanda, stuck in the ease of her youth, tries to relive her life through her daughter Laura. Being crippled both physically and mentally, Laura struggles to escape the bubble she has created around herself that her mother Amanda so strongly tries to force her out of. Tom whom, althoughRead MoreThe Glass Menagerie By Tennessee Williams867 Words   |  4 Pages Every person plays a role in society, but the choice to stop playing that role is entirely up to that person. There are times when a person wants something so badly that they are willing to deviate from their role to obtain it. Where do you draw the line between getting what you want and doing what you are obligated to do? In The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams, the main characters are torn between fulfilling their desires and aligning with their role in so ciety. On the surfaceRead MoreEssay about Williamss Use of Symbolic Reference in The Glass Menagerie851 Words   |  4 Pagesin The Glass Menagerie Tennessee Williams wrote The Glass Menagerie basing it on himself and his life, although not always in detail. Tennessees life was not one of perfection. It had a lot of downs causing the play to be a very sentimental, dimly lighted and emotionally play. Although this play has a very basic story line Tennessee use of symbolism crates a much more meaningful story of the Wingfild family. Symbolism is used in almost every object, character and inRead MoreSymbolism In The Glass Menagerie By Tennessee Williams858 Words   |  4 Pagesaffected his work especially in The Glass Menagerie. Williams’s homosexuality made him be seen as an outcast in American society. Not to mention that homosexuality was not as widely accepted as it is today. The writing style of Williams creates a unique and great story. Tennessee Williams utilizes symbolism to express his themes throughout The Glass Menagerie. There are many events in Tennessee Williams’s early life that is similar to the details in The Glass Menagerie. Williams had a bad relationshipRead MoreThe Glass Menagerie Symbolism Essay800 Words   |  4 Pagesseen as an outcast in American society. Tennessee Williams utilizes symbolism to express his themes throughout The Glass Menagerie. There are many events in Tennessee Williams’s early life that is similar to the details in The Glass Menagerie. Williams had a bad relationship with his father, who was clinically alcoholic (Debusscher 1). Williams’s dysfunctional family plays a role towards his homosexuality (Debusscher 4). A research group discovered that children who have alcoholic parents haveRead More Alienation in Tennessee Williams, The Glass Menagerie Essay examples943 Words   |  4 PagesAlienation in Tennessee Williams, The Glass Menagerie Life is a lonely tale of alienation, as Tennessee Williams conveys though his play, â€Å"The Glass Menagerie.† Williams surrounds Laura in isolation from a world in which they wish to belong to by using various symbols. The symbolic nature of the motifs hidden within the lines of this play provides meaning to the theme found consistent throughout the play: Individuals are all alone in the world. Williams brilliantly illuminates the

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Net Capital Losses or Gains Analysis

Question: Explain the net capital losses or gains for the current tax year of Dave. Answer: In this particular case, the objective is to determine the net capital losses or gains for the current tax year of Dave as per the given transactions. Dave Solomon has sold some of his assets in order to prepare for his retirement. These selling operations of the given assets would result reasonable tax implications in terms of capital losses or gains. A brief discussion on the selling of the assets are as follows. Selling of the residence place (St. Lucia) As per the given information, it can be concluded that to achieve the reasonable amount of superannuation fund, Dave has sold his residential house which was situated in St. Lucia and he resided in that house from last 30 year. As per this information it would be said that Dave must have purchased this two story residency house in the year 1986. Since, the house has been purchased after 20 September 1985, therefore, any capital gains realised by selling this residential place would be considered for CGT (Capital Gains Tax) as per ITAA, 1997 (Sadiq et. al., 2015) . Despite the residence not being exempted from the aegis of CGT, the main residence exemption may allow for capital gains concession in line with Division 118 ITAA, 1997. However, this would require the current residence to fulfil the following two conditions as are mentioned below (Barkoczy, 2015). The taxpayer must necessarily have stayed in the house ever since it has been purchased for the house to be classified as the main or permanent residence. Also, the commercial usage of the residence would not be there for deriving any sort of income. From the case information provided, it may be deciphered that in the given case, the satisfaction of both conditions takes place and thereby the given house can be classified as the main or permanent residence for Dave in the absence of any other residence. Hence, no CGT would be paid by Dave Solomon on any gains that are made on the sale of the residence (Gilders et. al., 2015). Capital gains computation of painting It is known from the question that the painting has been acquired in the post CGT era that commences on September 20, 1985 and therefore capital gains tax is applicable on any capital gains which may be derived by liquidation Paintings acquisition cost for Dave = $ 15,000 Sales price obtained on selling of the painting = $ 125,000 Gains of capital nature derived from painting sale = 125000 15000 = $ 110,000 Since the painting was held for more than a year, hence the capital gains derived from the same are of long term nature (Sadiq et. al., 2015). Capital gains computation of luxury boat It is known from the question that the luxury boat has been acquired in the post CGT era and therefore capital gains tax is applicable on any capital gains which may be derived. Purchase price of boat = $ 110,000 Liquidation price of boat = $ 60,000 Resultant capital losses = 110000-60000 = $ 50,000 Since the boat was held for more than a year, hence the capital losses are of long term nature (Sadiq et. al., 2015). Capital gains computation of shares It is known from the question that the shares have been acquired in the post CGT era and therefore capital gains tax is applicable on any capital gains which may be derived. Share acquisition price in January 2016 = $ 75,000 Selling price of the shares = $ 80,000 However, as per the question, there are certain costs that are incidental to the normal transaction and therefore as per Section 110-25 would contribute to the cost base of the asset. As per the information provided, the incidental costs are brokerage charges and also the stamp duty. Besides, the asset financing cost is also added to the overall cost base as per Section 110-25. In the given case, since ATO has denied providing any deduction to Dave Solomon, hence the interest costs would also add on to the overall share cost base (Barkoczy, 2015). Therefore, cost base for shares = 5000 + 250 + 75000 + 750 = $ 81,000 Sale proceed on share liquidation = $ 80,000 Capital losses on account of share sale = 81000 80000 = $ 1,000 Hence, the total gains of capital nature that Dave can derive based on the given transactions = 110000 50000 -1000 = $ 59,000 The case information also states that in the previous year, Solomon has made a loss of capital nature to the tune of $ 10,000 for the shares that Dave had sold. These losses would be brought forward in the current year and adjusted against the capital gains for the current year (Gilders et. al., 2015). Post adjustment net capital gains = 59000 -10000 = $ 49,000 The capital gains that are derived by Solomon are long term in nature and considering the individual taxpayer status of Solomon, a discount of 50% with regards to capital gains is available. Therefore, capital gains on which CGT would be levied = 49000*0.5 = 24,500 It is evident from the above computation that Dave makes a capital gain and thereby would have to pay CGT which is applied at a flat rate of 30% and is independent of the underlying value. Thus, liability related to CGT = 24500*0.3 =$ 7,350 The question now presents a situation where Solomon would make loss for FY2016 also and in this case the previous year losses would be accumulated and the cumulative loss would be transferred to the future years for balancing against the potential future capital gains, Ir is noteworthy that the accumulated losses would be rolled on till perpetuity until these are neutralised with adjustment against capital gains (Deutsch et. al., 2015). The given facts of the case reflect the fact that the employer Periwinkle has extended certain fringe benefits to the employee Emma which may have FBT (Fringe Benefit Tax) implications. The aim of the question is to opine on the tax implications arising from the above benefits in line with the provisions mentioned in the Fringe Benefit Tax Assessment Act 1986 (FBTAA86). The discussion of the tax implications of the host of fringe benefits extended in this case is carried out below. Fringe benefit linked to personal car usage The car fringe benefit is deemed to be derived under the circumstance when the employee uses the company owned car for satisfying his/her personal usage. This is in line with the description extended in Section 8 of the FBTAA86. The usage of the car and the underlying distance in kilometres leads to the determination of the fringe benefit and the associated tax liability. Additionally, as per Section 23L of the ITAA 1936, due to the car fringe benefit the tax implications will be levied on the employer (Sadiq et. al., 2014). As per the case details, Emma has been given car fringe benefit since the employer owned car was given by the employer for personal usage. For the computation of taxable value on a grossed up level, it is imperative to ascertain whether GST is paid or not (McCouat, 2012). In the event that GST is paid on the car, the relevant factor deployed for grossing up is 2.1463(ATO, 2015). The calculation of the resultant FBT liability is shown below (Wilmot, 2012). Step 1: Taxable Value Determination The formula for determination of the FBT taxable value is shown below. The various components which act as input need to be determined as is visible below. The applicable statutory percentage in the given case would be 20% as per the guidance from the ATO rule which states that the car must be utilised for a distance which is less than 15,000 km as the corresponding figure is 10,000 km (ATO, 2015). Total period for personal car usage by the employee i.e. Emma = 365-30-5 = 330 In the given case, 30 days have been deducted since the car was provided to Emma not at the beginning of the financial year but when a month had already been elapsed. Besides, further five days are adjusted for the repair period but no adjustment for ten days has been made for the parking as the ownership of the car was with Emma. Value of the fringe benefit due to car = 32450 0.2 (330/365) = $ 5,867.7 Step 2: Liability associated with FBT Fringe benefit tax on the value of the fringe benefit due to car = 5,867.7 2.1463 0.49 = $ 6,170.95 Loan linked fringe benefit The loan fringe benefit is the result of the extension of loan to employee by the employer at a rate of interest which is lower as compared to the prescribed rate of RBA and hence provides benefit to employee. Like the other fringe benefits, the liability arising on behalf of the loan fringe benefit has to be borne by the employer. The current RBA rate is spelled out in the TD 2015/8 and is equal to 5.65% pa (Barkoczy, 2015). The interest rate applicable on the loan given to Emma is 4.45% pa and hence the employee is being benefited due to lower interest rate. The actual amount of loan fringe benefit is the amount of saving of employee on the cumulative interest cost supposing that it was lent at the rate prescribed by RBA (Gilders et. al., 2015). Finance cost when loan is extended at RBA prescribed cost = 500,000 0.0565 = $ 28.250 Finance cost when loan is extended at employer prescribed cost = 500,000*0.0445 = $ 22,250 The total cumulative savings on interest = $ 28,250 - $ 22,250 = $6,000 Hence, FBT at the rate of 49% would be levied on the loan related fringe benefit of $ 6,000. Since 90% of the extended loan of $ 500,000 is deployed for holiday home purchase for deriving personal gains, hence the employer would get rebate on the interest paid on this loan which would lead to the FBT liability lowering (Sadiq et. al., 2015). Fringe benefit related to bathtub By extension of bathtub to employee Emma at a rate lower than that charged by the retail customer, Periwinkle has indeed extended a fringe benefit whose value is equal to the costing differential between the normal retail customers and Emma. Thus, on this differential amount FBT should be levied at the rate of 49% (Deutsch et. al., 2015). The information provided in the question states that there is a change in fund deployed as $ 50,000 which was earlier used by Emma would now be used by her husband who would use them for indulging in share investment. The tax rebate on account of the interest on the component of the loan used for purchase of the holiday home would still be continued. However, otherwise there would be a decrease in the FBT linked liability as is computed below (Sadiq, et. al.,2015). Finance cost when 10% loan is extended at RBA prescribed cost = 50,000*0.0565 = $ 2,825 Finance cost when loan is extended at employer prescribed cost = 50,000 0.0445= $ 2,225 Therefore, decrease in the fringe benefit taxable value = 2825-2225 = $ 600 Total decrease in FBT related liability = 600*0.49 = $ 294 References ATO 2015, How to calculate your FBT, Australian Taxation Office. Barkoczy,S 2015.Foundation of Taxation Law 2015,7th edn, CCH Publications, North Ryde Deutsch, R, Freizer, M, Fullerton, I, Hanley, P, Snape, T 2015. Australian tax handbook, 8th edn, Thomson Reuters, Pymont Gilders, F, Taylor, J, Walpole, M, Burton, M. Ciro, T 2015. Understanding taxation law 2015, 8th edn, LexisNexis/Butterworths. McCouat, P 2012, Australian GST legislation. 17th edn, CCH Australia Limited, North Ryde Sadiq, K, Coleman, C, Hanegbi, R, Jogarajan, S, Krever, R, Obst, W, and Ting, A 2015,Principles of Taxation Law 2015,8th edn, Thomson Reuters, Pymont Wilmot, C 2012, FBT Compliance guide, 6th edn, CCH Australia Limited, North Ryde.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Credit Card an Example of the Topic Economics Essays by

Credit Card On February 25, 2009 in Wall Street Journal Mary Pylon wrote about AmEx asking its customers to close their credit card accounts. As a stimulus, AmEx offered its clients a $300 prepaid gift. Pylon (2009) suggests that "the unusual move underscores how quickly conditions have deteriorated in the credit-card market". While mortgage crisis has become the source of major economic pressures, credit card companies still fight to survive. It should be said, that credit card holders are not given any choice; and if they do not agree to close their accounts by February 28, they will not receive the gift, but their accounts will still be closed. That means that for the customers who have sizeable credits but do not use their credit cards actively, AmEx will offer a gift in exchange for getting rid of them. Need essay sample on "Credit Card" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed Each customer was sent a letter with a code which, if submitted online, automatically cancels the card. If the customers agree to cancel their cooperation with AmEx and to close their accounts, they are not charged additional fees and are subject to the same interest rates. At the same time, for those who are late with payments, AmEx has already increased lateness fines. Moreover, the customers who agree to close their accounts, even voluntarily, damage their credit history. In simple terms, AmEx says "we want you out and we want to entice you financially to get out" (Pylon, 2009), and the more cards the company cancels, the more likely it will to survive the crisis. I chose this article because getting rid of credit card holders is new to the credit market. That means that companies and bank institutions do not have any other choice, when trying to increase their cash resources. They are no longer interested in customers who have low credit activity. They do not want customers to be late with payments. The crisis leads companies to the situation, when they need to invent new unusual methods to generate profits. With AmEx, closing credit card accounts has become the critical measure. It is very probable, that other credit card companies will take this example in order to survive the crisis, even if these measures damage customers' reputation. References Pylon, M. (2009). AmEx encourages cardholders to leave. The Wall Street Journal, 25 February. Retrieved March 13, 2009 from

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Deserts Essays - Ecosystems, Desert, Geomorphology, Xerocole, Rain

Deserts Essays - Ecosystems, Desert, Geomorphology, Xerocole, Rain Deserts A desert is an area defined by it has less than 50 cm of precipitation annually. Not all deserts are dry and sandy.Most of the worlds deserts tend to lie between 20 degrees to 30 degrees north and south latitude. North Africa, south western North America, the Middle East, and Australia support the largest deserts, but there are smaller deserts in other regions. Overall deserts cover one fifth of the earths surface.Hot desert climates are hot and dry, with high temperatures, usually around the 45 degrees Celsius mark which inturn with the low rainfall makes life in the desert very hard to support. At night the temperature can drop to around 18 degrees Celsius. With the hot deserts high temperatures and low rainfall amount, it can make life in the desert hard to support. The main way in which animals and plants survive is by adaptation, they adapt to survive in their surroundings. The Australian desert is the greatest example of a desert in which animals and plants have adapted for the ir survival.Desert plants use various techniques to reduce water loss and increase water intake. Many plants store their water in their leaves or another space. When a plant stores water in its leaves, it must keep it their, without loosing it. Some plants have a low Surface Area to Volume ratio which reduces water evaporation. There is another plant which has the ability to twist its leaves, so its thinnest side is facing the sun, thus it heats less, then less water evaporation occurs. But before plants store their water carefully, they must obtain it. The main way in which desert plants obtain their water is by having a deep root system which are extremely effective.Desert animals use a variety of different techniques of avoiding dehydration. Some animals use the fact that night time is cooler to their advantage (nocturnal). Others store water in a specialised area in their body (camel). The Rock Marsupial survives the high tempretures by living in rock crevices, or in a cave. The y found that inside the caves the tempreture is considerably lower, and the humidity is higher, therefor decreasing waterloss.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Lola Rennt ( Run Lola Run ) ( Tom Tykwer,1998) Essay

Lola Rennt ( Run Lola Run ) ( Tom Tykwer,1998) - Essay Example The three different endings of the film significantly experience intrigued, delight, annoying or sometime it also frustrates viewers trying to make any sense behind these three sequels (Ebert, 1999; Wilson, n.d.). Emphasising on different views and summary plots of the film, the essay critically explores one of the major extracts of the film RLR and provides effective learning outcome from the three alternate endings of the film. In this regard, the discussion of the essay delivers understanding and viewpoint about the script and how it can be evaluated in our day-to-day life. RLR represents jeopardising situations through its three distinctively developed alternate endings. According to the story of the film, it has been critically identified that the script of RLR is a blend of few major attributes that reflects a sense of intrigue, delightful, annoyance and frustration characteristics. Lola gets a panicky phone call from Manni, her boyfriend who appeared in the film as a trainee drug-runner. Due to the vulnerable consequences of his current position, Manni becomes more panic stricken and immediately blames Lola for not showing him up at the right time. Lola clarifies that â€Å"her moped had been stolen.† Desperately, Manni reveals that he had to walk to the subway with a full bag of one hundred thousand Deutschmarks as she had failed to show him up at the early stage of engagement with drug-running. He becomes scared due to the presence of two guards and leaves the subway train without the bag. However, within twenty minutes of the incident, he immediately meets with the criminals and is claimed about that one hundred thousand Deutschmarks or else he will be killed. At that time Lola gives her assurance to do something for her boyfriend and determines to save Manni from the â€Å"die spiral† (Ebert, 1999; Wilson, n.d.). Director Tykwer has dramatically represented the

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Business finance and legal service coursework(Write a report on the Essay

Business finance and legal service coursework(Write a report on the financial performance of a company in a particular sector) - Essay Example As a cascading effect the production activities suffered. There were reports of spare capacity which in turn resulted into massive employment cut during 2012. New exports reduced considerably. As a result the growth in the manufacturing sector or FMCG sector has fallen steeply during 2011 to 2012 (Chartered Institute Of Purchasing and Supply, 2 April, 2013). Manufacturing activities lifted a bit higher towards the end of 2012 but rate of expansion was marginal and weak. The reasons behind it were cost inflation acceleration in Eurozone and rise in average input price hitting an eight month high (Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply, January 2013). The downturn UK economy was suffering came to an end during December 2012 with level of production and new orders rising at a faster rates. Reportedly highest gains were made by Britain’s consumer goods producer. It has been predicted if the recoveries in the overseas market continue to build during then Britain exporters are expected to make out huge profit out of it (Chartered Institute of Purchasing And Supply, December 2012). ... The Company believes in growth through organic and international expansion. The company has grown so much in the short span due to great strategic planning. â€Å"Their ambition is to grow their group together EBIT margin by an average of 50bps per annum from2009-2013† (Britvic plc, n.d.). They follow an expansion of 2-3% every year. The company gives prime focus in closing distribution gaps in all routes to market. Britvic started acquiring independent still business since 2010.They acquired Friute business in France with leading brand such as Teissiere and Pressade. This was followed by the prime acquisition of A.G. Barr during September 2012. The company’s excellent performance during this short span demonstrates their ability to grow in business and create shareholders wealth (Britvic plc, n.d.). An Overview of Financial Performance Data and Ratios: SNAPSHOT OF FINANCIAL POSITION OF BRITVIC PLC NAME FORMULA CALCULATION 2012 2011 Net Profit Ratio (Net Profit/ Net Sal es) 0.061703822 0.061937984 Return On Capital Invested (Adjusted Net Profit/Capital Employed) 0.118501529 0.118545994 Price Earnings Ratio (Market Value Of Share/ Earning Per Share) 15.2941176 Data Insufficient Current Ratio (Current Asset/Current Liability) 1.02425876 0.984615385 Capital Gearing Ratio (Equity Share Capital/ Fixed Interest Bearing Funds) 0.327546089 0.327983252 Debt Equity Ratio or Long Term Borrowing Ratio (Total Long Term Debts/ Shareholders Fund) 8.439577039 9.055292259 (Tracy, 2012) The above table gives a snapshot of the company’s financial position during the two fiscal years. The net profit ratio didn’t suffer any change within the two fiscal years. But the revenue had

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Audit Report on Database Security and Performance Management

Audit Report on Database Security and Performance Management EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report covers a review of the Security and performance issues, with the respect to the size and capacity of the data management in Organic Cosmetics Ltd. We are running a company with a total number of over 100 employees and large customer base national and international. In summary, we found some deficiencies in security integrity and performance in terms of query optimisation and as well as areas where improvements are warranted as listed below; 1. No proper procedure of reducing Sensitive Data Exposure which will in turn be devastating to the company, if not sorted out as soon as possible. 2. Deficiency in the way of detecting Threats from Inside and Outside 3.Deficiency in the way of developing Secure Applications 4. In terms of performance optimisation, there is no proper indexes set up to optimise and speed up retrievals of queries that are taking too long to execute. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES The main aim for the report is to carry out the proper procedures and techniques that is best to carry out the better security performance and query optimisation for administrative management performance. And after a proper consultation with experts and detailed research we have all that is takes to implement and effect changes to these deficiencies. Some of our objectives are; Reducing Sensitive Data Exposure in Applications by introducing an Oracle Advanced Security data redaction which provides selective, on-the-fly redaction of sensitive data in query results prior to display by applications. Limiting Sensitive Data Exposure When Sharing Data, we have been able to put in place Oracle Data Masking and Subsetting. Deficiency in the way of developing Secure Applications, we have been able to source out advanced and more sophisticated security measures introduced by oracle Database 12c Real Application Security, which is Oracles next generation database authorization framework and the industrys most advanced solution for developing secure applications called Basic Fine Grained Access Control (Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD)) and the Real Application Security (RAS). Performance optimisation, there is no proper indexes set up to optimise and speed up retrievals of queries that are taking too long to execute. There should advance form of scalability which is the ability of a system to process more workload, with a proportional increase in system resource usage, there we have to choose an efficient execution strategy for processing a query. APPROACH The best possible way of reducing sensitive date exposure is by the Redaction process. Redaction is the process of scrubbing out data. Imagine a paper document with certain fields scratched out with a black marker. Oracle Advanced Security data redaction works similarly but on application data stored in the database. Because it is enforced inside the database, it is possible to consistently redact database columns across different application modules accessing the same data. Data redaction minimizes changes to applications because it does not alter actual data in internal database buffers, caches, or storage, and it preserves the original data type and formatting when transformed data is returned to the application. Data redaction has no impact on database operational activities such as backup and restore, upgrade and patch, and high availability clusters. Because we handle a lot of big transactions OCL, it will be better to use data redaction to make sure our data are secured. The movement of production data dramatically increases the risk to data and increases the overall cost of security and compliance. Masking of data before it is moved from production eliminates the risk of data breaches in non-production environments by irreversibly replacing the original sensitive data with fictitious data so that data can be safely shared. Using Oracle Data Masking and Subsetting enables entire copies or subsets of application data to be extracted from the database, obfuscated, and shared with partners inside and outside of the business. Most importantly, during the obfuscation process, application integrity is preserved by maintaining data relationships across application tables. Oracle Data Masking and Subsetting improves security by reducing the scope of data exposed to partner organizations. Compliance costs are lowered by narrowing the compliance boundary for test and development groups. Below is an example of data being masked. Instead of four rows in Name and salary column the masking has reduced it the rows and interchanged the data store in each column rows. The solution to deficiency in the way of developing Secure Applications is by adopting the following process, which we have been able to source out. It is an advanced and more sophisticated security measures introduced by oracle Database 12c Real Application Security, which is Oracles next generation database authorization framework and the industrys most advanced solution for developing secure applications called Basic Fine Grained Access Control (Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD)) and the Real Application Security(RAS). Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD), introduced in Oracle8i, is widely used today to enforce fine grained access control within applications. It allows application developers to associate a stored PL/SQL program unit with an application table, view, or synonym. The program unit fires when the application object is accessed via SQL. The program unit computes a predicate or where clause that is appended to the original SQL statement. In many cases, the program module will query specific meta data tables containing information on user roles and privileges as nearly every application today has its own unique set of security tables. Another common approach used with VPD is to initialize an Oracle application context when a new application user is initialized within the application. Real Application Security(RAS). Unlike the basic Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD), Oracle Database 12c Real Application Security (RAS) provides a robust declarative model that allows developers to define the data security policy based on application users, roles and privileges within the Oracle Database. The new Oracle Database 12c RAS technology is more secure, scalable, and cost effective than the traditional Oracle VPD technology. Real application security provides a declarative interface that allows developers to define the data security policy, application roles, and application users without requiring application developers to create and maintain PL/SQLstored procedures. The data security policies are defined inside the database kernel using the Oracle Database 12c RAS API. The permissions associated with business objects are stored in Access Control Lists (ACLs). ACLs are a key component of RAS and store the privileges assigned to principals and control the type of operations: select, insert, update and delete that can be performed on the objects. These are some of the usefulness of Real Application Security provides the next generation authorization architecture for applications that will be needed in Organic Cosmetics Limited (OCL): 1.Uniform Data Security: The RAS Security model allows uniform specification and enforcement of access control policies on business objects irrespective of the access path. It overcomes the limitation of custom built approaches that only work when an object is accessed via the specific code path that has access control logic embedded into it. 2. Secure End User Identity Propagation: Application sessions allow the end user identity and associated attributes to be conveyed securely to the database allowing the database to use the information for end-user access control and auditing. 3. Declarative and Fine Grained Access Control: RAS policy components encapsulate the access control requirements of the application in the form of declarative policy on data for application users, application roles, and application privileges. With column security, RAS model extends authorization to the column level to protect sensitive data such as SSN. With support for master-detail, parameterized, delegation, and exception based declarative policies, RAS meets the real-life deployment requirements of applications. Then for the issuesof performance optimisation and quick table accessibility, there is no proper indexes set up to optimise and speed up retrievals of queries that are taking too long to execute. Finally, there is an indexing system that can be set up to help sort the out accessibility of records quickly. Basically there are 3 kinds of index, but we have chosen the Function index. In a function index you index an expression rather than a column. Eg supposing you wanted to regularly retrieve orders that havent been shipped, so no value in shipdate. A basic B-tree index couldnt be set up because it wouldnt include nulls in the index, so function based could be used: eg: CREATE INDEX non_shipped_index ON ord   (NVL(shipdate, null)); CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION Based on our findings and recommendations I believe if we could make appreciate changes as soon as possible we can be able to sort the deficiency issues in our database management system and also to improve our services. 1.4 REFERENCES WHITEPAPER, O. (2015) Oracle Database 12c Security and Compliance. Available at: (Accessed: 08 February 2017).

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Oxidation of Cyclohexanol to Cyclohexanone :: essays research papers fc

Oxidation of Cyclohexanol to Cyclohexanone   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The oxidation of cyclohexanol to cyclohexanone involves the removal of hydrogen from the OH group. After separation and purification, an Infrared Spectrum will be run to determine the composition of the recovered material.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Infrared Spectroscopy is a very powerful technique used in the determination of molecular structure and the identification of unknown organic materials. The infrared spectrum yields direct information about the presence or absence of key functional groups. â€Å"The region of the infrared spectrum which is of greatest interest to organic chemists is the wavelength range 2.5 to 15 micrometers which correspond to approximately 4000 to 600cm-1†(Young). â€Å"When atoms or molecules absorb light, the incoming energy excites a quantized structure to a higher energy level. The type of excitation depends on the wavelength of the light. Electrons are promoted to higher orbirtals by ultraviolet or visible light, vibrations are excited by infrared light, and rotations are excited by microwaves† (Tissue).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  IR spectroscopy is the measurement of the wavelength and intensity of the absorption of infrared light by a sample. The wavelength of IR absorption bands are characteristic of specific types of chemical bonds.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  An IR spectrophotometer is an instrument which is designed to obtain an infrared spectra of a molecule. An IR spectra is obtained by first irradiating a sample with an IR source of light. The light passes through the sample, which can be in solution or contained within a salt plate, and then onto an IR light detector. The spectrum is analyzed by examining at which frequency the peaks occur. Different peak frequencies indicate different types of vibrational motion and hence, different types of chemical bonds. The peak intensities are usually noted as percent transmittance which compares the amount of light absorbed compared to the amount of IR light that was not absorbed. The frequencies are normally listed in wave numbers (in units of reciprocal centimeters). Experiment   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The oxidation of cyclohexanol by dichromate occurred in the presence of sulfuric acid which yielded cyclohexanone according to the balanced redox reaction below: 3 + Cr2O7-2 + 8H+ -- 3 + 2Cr+3 + 7H2O In the presence of excess dichromate, cyclohexanol oxidizes to adipic acid. To maximize yield, the following reaction was prevented: 3 + 4Cr2O7-2 + 32H+ -- 3HOOC(CH2)4COOH + 8Cr+3 + 19H2O The addition of methanol reduced the excess dichromate according to the balanced redox reaction below: CH3OH + Cr2O7-2 + 8H+ -- CO2 + 2Cr+3 + 6H2O Recovery of the ketone was by steam distillation; collecting all

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Coles Marketing Plan Essay

Cole is an Australian supermarket with large influence and market share in the country. In addition, the company contributes significantly to the nation’s economy. In essence, the company has acquired more than 30% of the market share of the supermarket industry in this nation. Specifically, the company’sproduct line consists of daily products, grocery, meat, deli, fresh produce, bake house, cigarettes, liquor, apparel, general merchandize and over head products. Notably Cole has a culture of low price as its marketing strategy of attracting and retaining customers. Fresh produce are the chief of Cole’s product line. The chain of supermarket is among the leading retailers operating more than 720 stores in Australia (Morales, 2013). The company harbors more than 90, 000 employees with a customer base of approximately 4.5 million people. Woolworths is the main competitor of Cole with 40% stake in the Industry. Others include Aldi, Speciality Foods, and Franklins. Coles together with its leading competitor have a market competitor of sale price and large customer base (Pearson and Hendricks, 2011). The company endeavors for high quality in its products, services and delivery (Szakiel and Beare, 2009).[PPD_PAYTOREADMORE] The present market strategy of Cole is geared towards the liquor, food and fuel consumers (Morales, 2013). In addition, it emphasizes on providing a diversity of products on its target markets with customers of different income. Further, Cole’s consumers are derived from all over the world (Romaniuk and Thiel, 2012). With regard to promotion, the company employs different media such as the radio, newspapers, the internet and TV in the promotion and advertisement of its products. Public relations are also another strategy in promoting the company. MARKETING OBJECTIVES The situation analysis identified some of the objectives for Cole Supermarket . Among them is increasing revenue, increasing the customer base, building customer royalty and increasing the competitive advantage. Increasing sales and revenue Just as it is for much business, increasing sales is also the core of Cole’s business objective (Simon, 2013). The objectives of this company is to increase its sales to more than $150, 000 in the first year of its establishment, the management anticipates that the second year sales will increase by 50% and the third year by 40%. By the second year of its operation, the company would have expanded to include more stores and supermarkets in various parts of the world. Coles aspires to sell as many products as possible and generate high returns. Despite this, the company faces stiff competition from mass merchandisers and restaurants in some of its products. This point to the reason why the company has relied on fresh produce, and which are which are convenient to the customers. In addition, the company has also diversified its products to include many varieties with different prices to suit customers with different economic capabilities. Cole’s Strategy has been emphasized on clients who wish to do a one stop shopping. Increasing Customer Base and Traffic Most business organizations especially start ups and small ones workvery hard to acquire a customer base (Lusch 2007). In order to achieve a customer rate in their stores, Cole’s stores are located in areas that have high traffic such as big cities and towns. You will rarely find a Cole Supermarket in a rural environment. Some of Cole’s stores are also located in near apartments, residential and business districts. Cole is also much interested in building customer loyalty in its businesses. This is the reason why it has established royalty programs in order to retain and make customers royal. These royal programs are designed in such a way that the clients are rewarded according to how they purchase products. Improving its Ratings and competitive advantage Cole endeavors to do research with regard to its various products fresh produce, meat, daily products, grocery, deli, bake  house, cigarettes, liquor,apparel, general merchandize and over head products and customer service.The reason for these phenomena is to ensure that the products and services offered are of top quality and which customers will find unique. Improving the products and services will certainly increase the company’s rating and competitive advantage in this industry(Argenti 2008). TARGET MARKET and Position The company has particularly focused on the segmented population who requires their products under one roof or in other words, one stop shopping. Cole will be much like a haven for shoppers of all economic levels and busy types who wish to tend to look for products that are unique and special. This is because; the services are faster but yet satisfying. Such people will find the high quality goods and services to their expectations. Moreover, the clients will as well appreciate the faster service and fun experience at the company’s premises , whether they are celebrating special events or simply want to enjoy the special products at low prices. Cole expects to establish more and bigger stores and supermarkets in order to improve its competitive edge among its leading competitors such asWoolworths. According to the situation analysis, the â€Å"down down† price strategy appears to stay since for many years, it has acted as its competitive edge. Hence, the low price strategy will assist the company in competing for the customers ( Mckeown, 2012). Further, the increase in its floor space for its stores and supermarkets by 2% every year is to provide more space for its groceries and fresh produce including more products such brand mix and apparel. The company anticipates adding more than 20 stores in various parts of the world in this year alone. This owes to the increased customers and expansion programs. This is also a way of establishing a platform for the steady growth and expansion for the coming years. In essence, Cole wants to penetrate into its competitor’s market share including its main rival, the Woolworths. COLES APPROACH TO THE MARKETING MIX The marketing strategy for Cole Chain of Supermarket is the creation of awareness on potential customers by use f mouth and media advertisements such as magazines radio, internet and newspapers. With regard to media, the company employs the most popular ones both in print and electronic to present their advertisements and promotions. In this way, they are able to create what is known as distinctive experience in superior products. Other means for reaching out these clients include promotions, and fliers. The strategic location of the company’s premises would be typically considered as an important function for the purpose of marketing and promotion (Allison and Kaye, 2005). The premises are established in high traffic retail areas of business districts and towns. The central business districts, residential areas and towns in this perspective offer attractive incentives for investors and other business that are in operation. Moreover, the businesses are strategically positioned and easily accessible by the public and customers, there is also an advantage of the public which comes from being located in the central business center. Cole supermarket focuses on the basically educated and progressive clients fascinated in tying out new experiences and products and those who are not satisfied with the existing products or a service that are offered in other stores and outlets. ROLE OF THE MARKET PLAN One of the main contributions of the marketing plan is defining an organization’s mission and objectives. Likewise, this marketing plan will assist Cole’s Chain of supermarkets in achieving its objectives and in defining its long-term mission (Baker, 2008). This marketing plan will assist Cole in achieving substantial if not tremendous revenue just within the few years of its operation. It will also assist in more investment in the company and expansion to more stores by the subsequent years. In addition, it is anticipated that the marketing plan will assist the company in establishing a special relation with each worker (Tracy 2000). In this way, the workers a will be made responsible for their  stores and be rewarded for the profits generated. Evaluating all indicators of each variable or environment that makes up the PESTEL analysis, it is possible to express the diagnosis of the external environment in which this business will be inserted. Thus it was found that, in general, the external environment is in favor of development of the Cole Supermarket

Friday, January 3, 2020

Organisations Management - Air New Zealand - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 8 Words: 2353 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Management Essay Type Narrative essay Did you like this example? 530 (v2) Organizations management Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Organisations Management Air New Zealand" essay for you Create order AIR NEW ZEALAND à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" Assignment INTRODUCTION- AirNewZealand is an international and domestic airline group which provides air passenger and cargo transport services within New Zealand, as well from Australia, the South West Pacific, Asia, North America and the United Kingdom. AirNew.Zealand also compasses business units providing engineering and ground handling services. Subsidiaries extend to booking systems, travel wholesaling and retailing services HISTORY- AirNewZealands began in April 1940 when its forerunner airline, Tasman Empire Airways Limited (TEAL) was incorporated. TEAL began its first trans-Tasman services with flying boats, and over the years steadily expanded the size and scope of its operations. The route network was expanded from Australia and the Pacific to Asia, the USA, the UK and Europe. In October 1953 TEAL became jointly owned by the New Zealand and Australian Governments, and in April 1961 the New Zealand Government assumed full own ership. PURPOSE OF ORGANISATION :- The main purpose or the main vision of the air New Zealand is that to be everywhere in the world. Air New Zealand operate the smallest aircraft in the Air New Zealand Group they also connect people to more destinations across New Zealand to do everything never failing to impress their customers. Customers are the primary reason for their existence. The focus of everything to do is on providing the highest standard of service and convenience to the customers. The Purpose is to connect people to New Zealand and to the world OBJECTIVES OF AIR NEW ZEALAND PASSIONATE That get up and go factor that sparks us to perform PROUD Having a sense of achievement that goes with knowing a job is well done RESOURCEFUL Making a positive contribution through being innovative, flexible and efficient RESPECTFUL Being honest, open and co-operative. AUTHENTIC Genuine in everything we do COMMITTED Focused on getting the best outcome for everyone Q3 (a) According to Dr. Henry Mint berg, there are three types of roles which a manager usually does in any organization. Æ’Ëœ Interpersonal Roles Æ’Ëœ Informational Roles Æ’Ëœ Decisional Roles Informational Roles: In this management the information from one source and distribute to one or more than one source For example :- Air new Zealand gives the information about the arrival and departure of flights up to date information . Decisional Role: manager use to plan strategy and utilise the resources to achieve goals in decisional management For example: Air new Zealand management gives the decision that they will start a new flight service from Auckland to India. Interpersonal Roles: the role of managers that deals with the working with other people is known as interpersonal. For example: Air New Zealand management share their information with their staff and communicate with them by doing meetings this is known as interpersonal roles. (b) Technical: AIR New Zealand Technical offers a comprehensive range of engineering and airline support services world-wide from its technical units in Auckland and Christchurch For example:- Design Services Operator Services Production Services Human: Human management skills help to operate for the human power which is being associated with the organisation. For example:-Air New Zealand management helps their customers by giving a discount on their flights or by giving a lot of variety to their passengers CONCEPTUAL: conceptual skills are able to see the main basics in any situations who can see the total management carry on relationship and identify the changes. For example: Air new Zealand management discuss the basic concepts or problem with each other. In this way they achieve their goals and attain success. (C) (i) Structured problem :- It involves the goals that are clear and are familiar which have been occur before and are easily and complete information about the problem is available. A repetitive decision can be handled by a routine approach. For example: Air new Zealand management have problem in landing as there is sometime windy and the moisture went extremely low and the plane losses its balance . (ii)Unstructured problem:-the problems that are new or unusual and for which the information is ambiguous or incomplete and that will require custom made solutions. In this the decisions are unique and non- recurring also are generating unique reasons. For Example: the accident which caused to the Malaysian airlines is only a unique thing which we canà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t imagine or thing .This type of problem is known as unstructured problem .it needs a quick response. (d) If air new Zealand has any structured problem like the have any problem regarding their flights or staff or if they have any problem with the landing of the plans they discuss their problem with their management or with the manager by doing meeting. In this way they solve the structured problem (Q4) (a) Task focus: In task focus the management focus on its work to be done in a specific period of time. For example: As Air new Zealand management focus on the manufacture of their new flight. They do thei r manufacture process in a proper time period. People focus: In people focus the management focus on the new benefits which they can offer to their customers. For example: Air New Zealand management focus on their new offer they gave special discount on their specific flights to attract passenger. Efficiency: It means the ability to do something or produce something without wasting time or money. It means doing things right. For example: Air New Zealand makes aircraft which consume less fuel and give better output. Effectivenes: Effectiveness is the capability of producing a desired result .it means as in management we set a target. For example:- Air new Zealand target to attract more customers and to get as many passengers as possible to get the desired result. (5) a INTERNAL FACTOR :-The Inner strengths and weakness can effect the process of an organization. Internal factors can strongly affect how well a company meets its objectives, and they might be seen as strengths if they have a favourable impact on a business, but as weaknesses if they have a deleterious effect on the business. There are two type of internal factor SWOT Analysis and 5m model The internal analyses :- Strengths Any activities the organisation does well or any unique resources that it has. For example: Air new Zealand management has its strengths in their aircraft and in their staff. Weaknesses Activities the organisation doesnà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t do well or resources it needs but doesnà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t possess. For example: Air new Zealand management has the problem of delaying in the time of flight and of the meals served in the flight. Man In Air New Zealand management the staff plays a very important role. The employee or the staff look after the shifts of the air hostess and have to look for the turn of the captain. They have the knowledge about the arrival or the departure of the flight. (b) External Factors: -The factors which effect Outsideinfluencesthat canimpactabusiness. Various externalfactorscan impact theabilityof a business or investmenttoachieveitsstrategic goalsandobjectives. These external factors might includecompetition; social, legaland technologicalchanges, and the economic and politicalenvironment. PEST analysis Political factors Economic factors Socio-cultural factors Technological factors Political/legal Environmental protection laws Taxation policy Employment laws Government policy Legislation Example:-air new Zealand management has taxation policy they pay tax to government every year. They also employ new person so that they can also show their talent. Economic factors Inflation Employment Disposable income Business cycles Energy availability and cost Example: Air New Zealand changes its staff regularly due to which it give employ new ones and also spend money on buying new aircraft. Sociocultural factors Demographics Distribution of income Lifestyle changes Example :- Air new Zealand managementà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s staff has lifestyle different from others and the manger distribute their salary according to the grade they have in the management Porterà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s model is based on the insight that a corporate strategy should meet the opportunities and threats in the organizations external environment. Especially, competitive strategy should base on these forces determine the intensity of competition and hence the profitability and attractiveness of an industry. The objective of corporate strategy should be to modify these competitive forces in a way that improves the position of the organization. Understanding of industry structures and the way they changes. Threat of New Entrants The competition in an industry will be the higher, the easier it is for other companies to enter this industry. In such a situation, new entrants could change major determinants of the market environment (e.g. market shares, prices, customer loyalty) at any time. There is always a latent pressure for reaction and adjustment for existing players in this industry. The threat of new entries will depend on the extent to which there are barriers to entry. Example: Air New Zealand management changes its market share or the prices of the flight when they are in the need of it. Threat of Substitutes A threat from substitutes exists if there are alternative products with lower prices of better performance parameters for the same purpose. They could potentially attract a significant proportion of market volume and hence reduce the potential sales volume for existing players. This category also relates to complementary products. For example :- If the Singapore airline or Malaysia airline has lower flight fares then air new Zealand faces a great loss. Q (6). (a) Air new Zealand management is currently facing a problem that Industry-wide cyclical problems are contributing to Air NZà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s operating performance difficulties, with factors such as high fuel prices and the low value of the Australian and New Zealand dollars against the US dollar impacting on its cost structure; Air NZ-specific problems are further contributing to the airlineà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s operating difficulties, including heavy competition in the Australian domestic market and the recent groundin g of the Ansett aircraft at Easter that has pressured Air NZ into bringing forward its aircraft replacement plans for the airline. There appear to be three key options Air NZ could consider to address its financial problems:- à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Immediate relief to its high debt levels and intensive capital investment requirements might be provided through a sale of all or some of Ansett; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Initiative could be taken to free up cash in the short term to provide Air NZ with sufficient flexibility to enable it to weather losses while attempting to turn the fortunes of Ansett around; this might provide a window of up to two years to achieve improvement in the Ansett operations which might restore investor confidence leading to more fruitful capital raising exercises in future; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Seek Government intervention by either easing ownership limits to enable Air NZ to attract additional foreign airline equity and/or inject capital, or provide some other fo rm of financial assistance, to the airline. Other issues that may be of interest to Ministers are whether:- à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Air NZà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s ownership of Ansett gives rise to public benefits for New Zealand through, for example, increased tourism; education etc. (b)1. KOTTERS EIGHT STEP CHANGE MODEL Step 1:- create urgency Step 2:- Form a powerful coalition Step 3:- Create a vision for change Step 4:- Communicate the vision Step 5:- Remove obstacles Step 6:- Create short-term wins Step 7:- Build on the change Step 8:- Anchor the changes in corporate culture Step 1: Create Urgency: First of all for a proper management the organization must clear why there is a need or urgency for the change at this point of time. As in air New Zealand they should have they quick service to provide best facility to their customers Step 2: Form a Powerful Coalition: The organization must need to ensure to the employees that a strong leading is there to guide through the change. Manager in air management must have meeting with the staff to tell them about the goals. Step 3: Create a Vision for Change: Senior members must put forward the future aspects of the change. They should have variety in their food and also provide good comfort to have good relation with their customers. So that they can achieve goals in future. Step 4: Communicate the Vision: Organization must communicate the benefits to this change with their employees. Manager must have group discussion about the benefit or profit they had made with their staff management Step 5: Remove Obstacles: The staff should be motivated to accept the change with positive attitude. They should follow the every rule which the management says. Step 6: Create Short-Term Wins: Everyone wants positive results to be fast, so the employees needs to be ensured that there are short term successes. Step 7: Build on the Change Kotter argues that many change projects fail because victory is declared too early. Real change runs deep. Quick wins are only the beginning of what needs to be done to achieve long-term change. Step 8: Anchor the Changes in Corporate Culture: The change must need to be culturally accepted, this can happen through proper management principles. Everyone must be co-operative and have to accept the change with smile. b. LEWINà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢S CHANGE MANAGEMENT MODEL STEP 1: UNFREEZE STEP 2: CHANGE STEP 3: REFREEZE Unfreezing is the first step of lewin which basically means to unfreeze the change in front of the audiences. : Second step is the change in itself, like what the change is required And executing that change. : Third step is refreezing the change executed, properly. Step 1 According to Lewin model, the Head of the Department will unfreeze the change in front of the staff as there is need of aircraft or need of flight to fly from New Zealand directly to India. Step 2 The HOD will form the change management team for bringing the change and manage too. This team will be responsible to guide the staff members in executing the change process. For this the mew aircraft must be bought and there variety of food must be included in their flights. Step 3 The management staff will ensure the staff is properly adjusted to the new changes and if there is any problem facing by them. Then only they refreeze the new rules in the management